Street naming and numbering explained - Street name plates


Street Name Plates – Who provide them on new developments?

When roads are constructed as part of a new development, the provision of street signs is the responsibility of the developer. Bassetlaw District Council will take over responsibility of maintaining the plates once the County Council has adopted the street.

Street Name Plates – Maintenance, Repair and Replacement

Bassetlaw District Council is also responsible for the day-to-day maintenance, repair and replacement of street nameplates. Should you wish to report an ineligible or damaged street plate please provide the following information:

  • Location/name of street plate
  • Parish or town in which the street is located
  • Name and contact details
  • Nature of the damage to the plate

The Council has a duty to prioritise street nameplates requiring attention. Missing street signs will take precedence over damaged plates. Please note reports will be prioritised in the following way:

  • Priority 1: Missing name plate causing possible risk to life safety.
  • Priority 2: Missing, but no complaints from emergency services.
  • Priority 3: All other repairs/replacements (damaged frame, graffiti, etc).



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024