Street naming and numbering explained - Charges for street naming and numbering

Since 1st January 2014 in line with other Councils, Bassetlaw District Council has decided to implement charges for the discretionary naming and numbering services it provides.

Discretionary services are those services that an authority has the power but not the duty to provide, as provided for under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003. Charges cover services such as the administrative function of the service, working with Royal Mail, notifying Utilities and other bodies, and for registering non-statutory parts of the address such as property name.  The fees are based on cost recovery figures.

Naming and Numbering charges will be made for the following services:

  • Numbering new residential or commercial premises
  • Naming or numbering a new property
  • Renaming or renumbering an existing property/building
  • Enquiries from Solicitors and Building Societies

Charges will also be made for changing a street name unless there is an overriding public interest for the name change.

Applicants must apply in writing by completing the relevant form, together with the correct fee. All applications must be accompanied by a location plan. For new developments a site plan showing the road layout and plot numbers is also required. For developments that include flats, internal layout plans are required as well.

Address changes carried out without contacting the Council’s Street Naming & Numbering unit will not be formally registered with Royal Mail, utilities and other bodies if the relevant fee is not submitted. If an existing property is unregistered, an additional charge may be made for retrospectively registering an address. The Council has no obligation to register the address in the form hitherto used, and may register it in a different form if more appropriate or necessary to fit national standards.



Fee 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Residential New Developments

Adding a street name plate and fitting


Residential New Developments

Adding a street name plate frame and fitting


Residential New Developments

Adding a T plate (no through road)


Residential New Developments

Relocate a street name plate


Adding or amending a name or re-numbering an existing individual property, including notification to external organisations


Amendment to approved/existing naming and numbering scheme due to change in plot numbers, or plot positions, including notification

£107 admin fee

Fee per plot requiring renumbering / naming £37

Amendment to approved naming and numbering scheme due to change in approved street name (after consultation)

£107 admin fee

Fee per property for up to 10 properties £37

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter £36

Rename or numbering of street where requested by Parish Council and/or residents including notification

£107 admin fee

Fee per property for up to 10 properties £37

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter £14

New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Admin fee


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee per property for up to 10 properties


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee per property for every additional property thereafter


New naming and numbering of streets, including the notifications

Fee for delivery of street name plates


 * Includes the naming of a building and all affected properties (e.g. block of flats)



Last Updated on Monday, June 17, 2024