Street naming and numbering explained - Street Naming & Numbering Explained

Bassetlaw District Council administer Street Naming & Numbering within Bassetlaw, which is a statutory function. The relevant powers for local authorities are contained in Sections 64 and 65 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847. These impose a duty on the Local Authority to maintain a good standard of street nameplates, naming and numbering schemes and to improve standards where necessary.

The purpose of this is to ensure that any new street names, building names and numbers are allocated sensibly with a view to ensuring the effective delivery of services (for example, mail deliveries) and to avoid possible delays by the Emergency Services.

New street names – Whose responsibility is it?

The responsibility for naming of new streets lies with the developer. If the developer/builder has no naming proposals the relevant Ward Councillors, Parish Councils will be invited to assist in proposing suitable street names.

All street naming proposals are sent to Royal Mail, Parish Councils, emergency services and other bodies, for consideration. A consultation period of two weeks is provided in order to obtain comments or objections to the proposed scheme. If the proposals comply with Council policy and do not meet with any objections, the new address will be formally allocated and all relevant internal services and external bodies will be notified so that they can update their records.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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