Homeless & Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy 2023 - 2028 Consultation


Section 1 of the Homeless Act 2002 requires Local Authorities to publish a Strategy based on a review of homelessness in their area.

Homelessness is a complex problem with multiple causes; tackling it requires flexible solutions. We need to work with statutory, voluntary and charitable organisations, as well as the private sector, to deliver effective and early intervention and prevention. 

Households experiencing, or threatened with homelessness are often trapped in cycles of deprivation that impact on their health, emotional well-being and life chances. The effects on children within households experiencing or threatened with homelessness can be lifelong. Many homeless households are ‘hidden’ as they may have access to some sort of shelter, but lack a stable, long term, settled home often moving from one form of temporary accommodation to another with consequent impact on health and wellbeing and children’s education.

The term homeless tends only to be applied to those who are found to be rough sleeping; this is in fact rare compared to those who are threatened with homelessness. The most significant reason in Bassetlaw for the threat of homelessness comes from the Private Rented Sector.

The vision for the Homeless Prevention Strategy is:

To offer early help, support and intervention to ensure people in Bassetlaw do not become homeless. We want to eradicate rough sleeping by helping to enable the life skills needed for individuals to access stable accommodation. Prevention is the backbone of the strategy and we will strive to implement this by threading it through all areas.

Your Feedback

We are looking for your feedback on the Draft Strategy and welcome any comments or suggestions.

We will collate all feedback received and anonymise prior to presenting within a cabinet report to members. This will inform members prior to deciding to adopt the strategy or make amendments.

The consultation began on 14th August 2023 and has already included responses from Elected Members, the Voices of Bassetlaw Tenants Group, and other stakeholders. All responses to the consultation should be received by the Council by Tuesday 26th September.  

Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) Bassetlaw District Council, Queen’s Building, Potter Street, Worksop, Notts, S80 2AH is a Data Controller for the information it holds about you. The Council may hold the personal information provided by you, but for the purpose of this consultation  “Draft Homeless and Rough Sleeper Strategy 23-28”, your data will not be retained, during or at the end of published at the end of the consultation, or shared with third parties. The lawful basis under which the Council uses personal data for this purpose is consent. For further information on how we use your data please see the Council’s full privacy notice.


Homeless & Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy 2023 - 2028 Consultation


What is the strategy for and why are we doing it?

Section 1 of the Homeless Act 2002 requires Local Authorities to publish a Strategy based on a review of homelessness in their area.

Homelessness is a complex problem with multiple causes; tackling it requires flexible solutions. We need to work with statutory, voluntary and charitable organisations, as well as the private sector, to deliver effective and early intervention and prevention. 

Households experiencing, or threatened with homelessness are often trapped in cycles of deprivation that impact on their health, emotional well-being and life chances. The effects on children within households experiencing or threatened with homelessness can be lifelong. Many homeless households are ‘hidden’ as they may have access to some sort of shelter, but lack a stable, long term, settled home often moving from one form of temporary accommodation to another with consequent impact on health and wellbeing and children’s education.

The term homeless tends only to be applied to those who are found to be rough sleeping; this is in fact rare compared to those who are threatened with homelessness. The most significant reason in Bassetlaw for the threat of homelessness comes from the Private Rented Sector.

The vision for the Homeless Prevention Strategy is:

To offer early help, support and intervention to ensure people in Bassetlaw do not become homeless. We want to eradicate rough sleeping by helping to enable the life skills needed for individuals to access stable accommodation. Prevention is the backbone of the strategy and we will strive to implement this by threading it through all areas.

The key priorities of the Strategy

  • Priority 1. Preventing rough sleeping at the earliest opportunity
  • Priority 2. Intervention
  • Priority 3. Recovery.
  • Priority 4. Transparent and Joined system of working
  • Priority 5. Assist more people to sustain private rented accommodation
  • Priority 6. Support supported living particularly for young and vulnerable people to live independently

Priority 1 - Preventing rough sleeping at the earliest opportunity

Work to increase affordability and security of housing.

We will ensure that no-one leaves the armed forces or is released from a public institution or prison to the streets.

Young people leaving care will receive the support they need to secure and maintain suitable accommodation.

We will continue to operate SWEP in extreme weather.

Provide advice and assistance to all through housing needs and partnership working.

Work with Outreach Teams to identify rough sleepers at the earliest opportunity.

Work pro-actively and in partnership to develop a Financial Inclusion Policy for Bassetlaw. This will seek to reduce debt related homelessness.

Priority 2 - Intervention

We will continue to work extensively with the Outreach Teams and staff employed through the Governments Rough Sleeping Initiative scheme 2022-25

We will establish a clear pathway for non-UK nationals sleeping rough to make sure those who have restricted eligibility for public funds have a clear pathway off the streets.

Provide clear contact details for all services and public to receive advice at the earliest opportunity through the Bassetlaw website and printed material.

Process all Homeless applications quickly and without delay along with providing detailed personalised housing plans for all.

Have clear policies and pathways for integrated working with all stakeholders.

Have quick and easy processes to enable applicants to be placed on the housing register.

Priority 3 - Recovery 

We will support all housing-led approaches and encourage more specialist homes to be available for those experiencing rough sleeping.

We will investigate and address unacceptable poor quality supported housing.

We will improve the support available to help people with experience of rough sleeping into training and employment.

We will support through partnership working all drug, alcohol, and mental health services to support people experiencing rough sleeping.

Ensure all eligible applicants have access to emergency accommodation.

Work with partners to establish greater numbers of emergency, supported accommodation.

Provide ongoing support for clients through sustainability to prevent re-occurring homelessness.

Priority 4 - Transparent and joined system of working

We will ensure robust accountability structures are in place.

We will improve our evidence-base of what works to end rough sleeping.

We will support the voluntary, community and faith sector to play their part.

We will improve how different services work together for people sleeping rough, particularly bringing together housing & healthcare.

Priority 5 - Assist more people to sustain private rented accommodation

Offer bond & rent in advance options to secure sustainable accommodation for homeless applicants.

Build a database of preferred Landlords to work with homeless applicants and offer support around affordability and Government legislation.

Offer tenancy support to newly housed private rented tenants for the first 3 months of the tenancy to assist sustainment.

Work closely with Environmental Health to assess and improve property standards in the private rented sector and reduce empty homes.

Maintain a Landlord Forum to allow the sharing of information with the private rented sector.

Priority 6 - Support supported living for young and vulnerable people to live independently 

Develop a ‘Homeless Prevention Information Pack’ aimed at the under 25 age groups and provide advice in Schools and colleges.

Offer mediation within families to sustain accommodation wherever possible.

Offer tenancy support to homeless applicants under the age of 25.

Ensure people living in rural communities have equal access to housing & homeless services.

Investigate a partnership approach in the provision of accommodation for young people with support needs.


The Homeless and Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy will be monitored and reviewed on a quarterly basis via the Strategy Working Group to ensure delivery against the key priorities. 

Bassetlaw District Council will work with all appropriate partners in the delivery of the Homeless and Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy; this will include Public Bodies, Housing Providers, Charitable Organisations, Voluntary Organisations, and other Local Authorities. An exhaustive list has not been produced to avoid exclusion. 


All feedback should be emailed to Terry.Roe@Bassetlaw.gov.uk

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024