Information and advice for flooding

Over recent years there has been an increase in the risk of flood or drought conditions throughout the UK. Although we are aware of this fact, it may never be possible technically or financially to introduce measures that are sufficient to prevent this from happening.

What is the Council's Role?

The Council works together with its partner agencies to respond to emergency situations brought about by flooding or drought.

Nottinghamshire County Council lead on the management of flood risk in Nottinghamshire. They work alongside partners to manage flooding from local sources: surface water, ordinary watercourses and groundwater.

The Environment Agency have a dedicated Citizen Space webpage for Bassetlaw. This page acts a central location for general information related to flooding in the district of Bassetlaw. This is a multi-agency site and will be updated regularly.  

What can I do to protect myself from flooding?

Making your property resilient to floodwater will limit the distress and damage caused by flooding, which means less costly repairs and less time out of your home or business premises. If you are a homeowner, it is your responsibility to protect your property from flooding.

The following websites have information which will help you prepare for and protect yourself from flooding.

Visit the UK Government website for advice on how to prepare for flooding and protect your property.

Visit the Blue Pages directory to see what products and services are available to help protect your property. 

If you live in an area that is known to be at risk or has been flooded in the past, make sure that you know what to do should it happen again. You can also sign up to the Environment Agencies Floodline Warnings Direct.


Ensure you have home insurance in place to cover both building (unless rented) and contents.

If you have buildings cover, your insurer will dry, clean, repair and restore your home. If you have contents cover, your insurer will dry, clean and restore your possessions or replace or pay for any possessions that cannot be cleaned up or repaired.

Further information on insurance when living in a flood risk area can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Don't Wait for it to Happen Before You Decide on a Plan

Before Flooding

  • Stay calm and be prepared
  • Contact Environment Agency Flood Line on 0845 988 1188 for advice
  • If you are prone to flooding contact Notts Highways (if you live in Bassetlaw) and report any blocked surface water drains.
  • Prepare an Emergency Flood Pack
  • Familiarise yourself with gas and electricity isolation points.
  • Prepare an overnight bag in case you have to evacuate your home
  • Protect low level doorways and vents with boards and / or sandbags. Remember to remove these before using gas equipment.
  • If possible remove vulnerable furnishings, valuables, items of sentimental value, important documents and food supplies etc to an upper floor.
  • Check on any elderly or infirm relatives and neighbours to determine if they might need assistance

During a Flood

  • Keep calm – If in danger contact 999
  • Turn off gas and electricity supplies
  • If trapped remain near a window where you can be seen
  • Follow instructions given by emergency services
  • Be prepared to evacuate to a place of safety
  • Do not wade through flood waters as depth and currents can be deceiving

After Flooding

  • Do not switch gas or electricity supply back on until it has been checked
  • Do not use food that has been in contact with flood water
  • Always assume that flood water contains sewage
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect all items soiled by flood water
  • Always use waterproof gloves when cleaning flood soiled items
  • Contact your insurer.

Other Useful Websites

More detailed advice and information about floods and drought conditions can be found at:

Don't drive through floodwater

Did you know...

  • Driving through floodwater is the number 1 one cause of deaths during flooding?
  • Just 15 cm of water can knock a person off their feet?
  • Just 30 cm of water is enough to float a car?
  • An egg cup full of water is all it takes to flood a vehicle’s engine?

Would it surprise you that despite these statistics a whopping 74% of people would still risk driving through floodwater?

That means only one third of us would do the safe thing and opt to stay away from flooding dangers!

It’s important that we all stay safe during bad weather conditions on the road, so follow the Environment Agencies advice.

Driving in flood conditions

Advice on how to stay safe 

There is no way of telling how deep floodwater is, or what debris and dangers it could be concealing so always:

  • Stop, turn around and find an alternative, safe route wherever possible
  • If you find yourself in standing water slow down
  • Driving at pace can cause a bow wave, which could endanger other vehicles and pedestrians alike
  • Driving fast can also cause tyres to lose contact with the road, leading to ‘aquaplaning’ and loss of vehicle control
  • If you find yourself stuck in floodwater, stop and call the emergency services if it’s safe to do so.

Last Updated on Wednesday, June 5, 2024