Hiring inflatables

Thinking of hiring an inflatable, such as a bouncy castle? The Public Protection Team within Environmental Health at Bassetlaw District Council have the following advice.

If you are hiring from a company ask to see the annual safety check for the inflatable that you are hiring.  There are two recognised industry inspection schemes which are PIPA and ADiPS.

If the hire company are manning the inflatable OR you as an organisation/event volunteers are, then they need to ensure the following checks:

  • Check the maximum wind speed for operation – inflatables must not be used in winds above 24mph.
  • Use of an anemometer to measure wind speed, if the inflatable is outside, at regular intervals.
  • Check the Operators Manual for the correct number of anchor points, all inflatables should have at least six.
  • Ensure ropes to secure the inflatable are in good condition and not frayed. The diameter of all ropes should be a minimum 18 mm. Never used improvised tow ropes or bungee cord.  Always make sure ground stakes are metal and at least 380 mm long and 16 mm wide. They should all have a welded metal ‘O’ or ‘D’ ring
  • If ground stakes can’t be used, such as on tarmac, then use at least 163 kg of ballast with suitable fixings to attach to guy ropes. Ensuring that wind cannot get under the inflatable and lift it.
  • If inflatable being used indoor check the operator’s manual for instruction on anchorage in order to prevent it from overturning.

Supervision and Monitoring

  • There should be constant supervision by at least one suitably trained person.
  • Restrict the number of users to the limit within the operators manual, don’t exceed height limits and keep larger users separate from smaller uses.
  • Ensure users can get on and off safely with safety matting at the entrance no deeper than two inch.
  • Removal of shoes or glasses.
  • No intoxicated person allowed on.
  • No climbing or hanging on to the walls.
  • Regularly check anchor points and check wind with an anemometer.

Make sure you speak to the hire company to ensure that the equipment is being used safely and if required ask to see the operators manual for the inflatable.

For further info or advice contact Environmental Health Department 01909 533 533.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024