Accidents and incidents
Information on reporting accidents, injuries, and when it should be reported
Asbestos guidance
Information about asbestos, the hazards, what should you do to remove and dispose of asbestos safely
Enforcement action
The types of enforcement action that Health and Safety inspectors can take
Health and Safety Inspections
Information on Health and Safety and the inspections carried out by Bassetlaw District Council.
Hygiene Accreditation Scheme
HAS is a voluntary scheme set up to improve and maintain hygiene and safety standards of tattooing and semi permanent make-up
Law enforcement
Information about who enforces Health and Safety Laws, and how they do it
Risk assessments
Information about risk assessments and why they need to be performed within a business
Organise a safe bonfire/fireworks display
How to keep safe during a bonfire/fireworks display
Water safety for children and young people
Information regarding the safety of children and young people near water
Workplace regulations
Information on the adequate and appropriate facilities expected for all staff whilst at their workplace
Complaint investigation
Information on how Health and Safety complaints are investigated
Hiring inflatables
Thinking of hiring an inflatable such as a bouncy castle? The Public Protection Team within Environmental Health at Bassetlaw District Council have the following advice