Starting or relocating a food business - Registration

You must ensure your premises are registered with the District Council 28 days before opening.

If you are operating a mobile food business the vehicle must be registered with the council where it is stored/garaged overnight.

If you are operating a mobile food business you should contact our Licensing Department who will advise on which streets street trading is prohibited.

Do I Need To Register?

The vast majority of food businesses will simply require registration. However, if you are operating a business producing and/or supplying products of animal origin to other food businesses, you may be required to apply for approval to use your establishment for that purpose.

Products of animal origin include meat products, fishery products, minced meat, meat preparations etc. (for example, a meat pie is a meat product):

  • If you cook meat pies in your premises and sell them to members of the public, you would not require approval, as you are not supplying other food businesses.
  • However, if you cook meat pies and only sell them to other businesses such as restaurants, shops etc, then you would require approval.
  • If you cook meat pies and supply members of the public and food businesses, you may require approval depending on the circumstances.

If approval is required, this will place additional requirements on you as a food business operator with regard to structure, layout, health marking etc. Clearly, this is a very complicated area of food law and each case needs to be looked at individually.

Information may also be obtained from the Food Standards Agency.

IMPORTANT: You must also complete a Food Registration form if you are relocating your business to a new address.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024