Advice for food businesses
Information for people either starting up a new food business or already running established businesses
Export health certificates
If you run a food business and wish to export food outside the EU you may require a food export certificate
Food allergens and alerts
Changes to how food businesses label allergens on their menus or food products
Food complaints information
What to do if you have concerns about purchased food or about the standards operated within a specific
Food hygiene rating scheme
The food hygiene rating scheme explained and help for businesses
Food poisoning and infectious diseases
Bassetlaw District Council are responsible for the investigation and control of certain diseases, including food poisoning.
Food premises register
The register is regularly updated and is open to inspection by the public. It lists all the food establishments in the Bassetlaw area.
Food sampling
Every month we take samples of many different foods from a range of premises within the Bassetlaw district
Food safety inspections
Information about why we carry out food safety inspections in Bassetlaw
Healthier options takeaways (HOT) merit
Information about the Healthier Options Takeaway Merit