Event Safety Management Plan
Event Name
Full event address / location (including postcode)
Issued by
Written by
Telephone number
Latest version issued
- Section 1 Overview of event
- Section 2 Planning and management
- Section 3 Venue and site design
- Section 4 Food and drink
- Section 5 Special effects, fireworks and pyrotechnics
- Section 6 Amusements, attractions and promotional displays
- Section 7 Communication
- Section 8 Crowd management
- Section 9 Traffic management
- Section 10 Health and safety
- Section 11 Major incident planning
Section 1 Overview of event
An overview of what the event will involve, where and when it will be and what its objectives are – if someone had never been to the event would they get an idea of what it was about by reading the short overview.
If this is a repeat event, include details of whether or not there have been incidents or problems with the event in the past.
Section 2 Planning and management
Event management structure
Who is planning the event, who will be responsible for ensuring this plan is implemented and whose public liability insurance (PLI) will cover the event.
Roles and responsibilities
Named people responsible for event planning and management with a clear description of their role. You must have an Event Manager with overall responsibility. Include your medical lead contact details.
Consider inserting a hierarchical diagram to show whom/which role reports to whom.
Event control centre
Details of where event management will operate from during the actual event. Plans and copies of emergency procedures, risk assessments etc. should be kept at this location. The event control should not double up as your First Aid point or lost/found children/vulnerable person point.
Section 3 Venue and site design
Site plan
Map of the site (possibly attached as an appendix) showing the location of structures, facilities and access and egress points – also RVP identified for emergency services should they be called (take advice from blue light services regarding this).
Access and egress
Number and width of access and egress points and whether these are suitable for pedestrian or vehicle use and designated emergency services route in/out.
Details of the appropriate licences needed for the event. This could include a temporary event notice (TEN), street trading licences etc. For details of what licences may be needed, contact the Licencing Service at your local council/check council website.
Site safety rules
Details of any rules to be followed by event staff or the public e.g. no alcohol / no moving vehicles on site after a specified time / stewards in high visibility clothing etc.
Audience profile and capacity
Details of the expected number and profile of the audience e.g. young people, family groups or elderly people and split of male/females. Is the audience transient or permanent whilst the event is taking place? What are the peak anticipated numbers of attendees and over what timeframe.
A ‘competent person’ must calculate the holding capacity and evacuation capacity if it is not already known from the venue. Indoor venues will usually have a capacity calculated for fire regulations, but outdoor venues must also have one. It may be possible for a contracted security company to assist with this.
A procedure will need to be in place for monitoring the number of people on site to ensure capacity is not exceeded. This may not mean counting everyone in and out but a procedure for monitoring the crowd and closing down access should it become overcrowded needs to be in place.
The start and end times of the event. This should also show the setup and breakdown times. Consider inserting a simple table to show this information easily.
Sanitary facilities
Details of toilet, disabled toilet and baby change provision. The HSE Event Safety Guide / Purple Guide contains information on how to calculate the number of toilets required based on the expected number of people attending an event.
Waste management
Details of how the site will be cleared of rubbish following the event.
Electrical installations and lighting
What electrical equipment will be used? Has it been PAT tested? Is an electrician on site to check all electrical installations? What power supply is available?
Details of type and location of barriers on the event site. Proof of PLI and a risk assessment should be provided by the contractor providing the barriers to you the organiser.
Facilities for people with disabilities
Is the site wheelchair accessible and are special provisions being made (including toilet facilities)?
Detail any temporary structures being used (e.g. stage, marquee) and proof of providers PLI and risk assessment (again seen by you).
Council Building Control Department may be able to provide advice on what information you should expect from third party contractors.
Section 4 Food and drink
Details of food vendors on site. Food vendors will need to provide evidence of (PLI), hygiene certificates and risk assessments. The Council’s Environmental Health and Licencing Services will be able to provide up-to-date information about what is required and what restrictions are in place.
Particularly in hot weather, you should make provision for enough water to be available for the public to buy and enough free water for event staff and front of stage (if applicable).
If alcohol is to be allowed on site a licence may be required. If alcohol is banned, a procedure may need to be in place to search people entering the venue or officers with the power to confiscate alcohol may be needed. If drinking is to be allowed this will have implications for stewarding and policing. An enclosed bar area may help to contain drinking. Consider a ‘challenge 21/challenge 25’ system in place at all bars.
Section 5 Special effects, fireworks and pyrotechnics
Details of any fireworks displays etc. if you are having them (start time and duration). Any contactors will need to provide evidence of their own PLI and a risk assessment to you.
Section 6 Amusements, attractions and promotional displays
Details of any fairground rides, games and activities if you are having them. Any contactors will need to provide evidence of PLI and a risk assessment.
Section 7 Communication
Event staff communication
Communication will usually be by radio, mobile phone or both. A briefing should be held prior to the event for all event staff to inform them of emergency procedures and methods of communication.
Consider a contact list for each person for inclusion in this document (or as an appendix to it) and delete radio call sign column as necessary.
Position: Event Manager
Name: Fred Smith
Phone: 01234 567 890
Radio call sign: Alpha1/Name
Radio procedure
If radios are to be used, a list of call signs and instructions for use should be provided to all event staff. Consider stickers onto radio handsets with incident codes or small laminated cards that could be handed to staff on worn on lanyards.
Incident codes
Each emergency procedure should be linked to an incident code as messages given over the radio can be overheard by members of the public. Consider utilising only one of the code lists below or use your own simple wording system as in the examples below. Ensure all radio users are familiar with the list used:
Incident |
Code |
Code |
Emergency Evacuation |
Red |
Mr Clear |
Fire |
Pink |
Mr Sand |
Bomb |
Yellow |
Mr Fuse |
Medical Emergency |
Blue |
Mr Cutts |
Antisocial Behaviour |
Orange |
Mr Badman |
Overcrowding |
Purple |
Mr Crush |
Lost Child/VA |
Green |
Mr Disney |
Found Child/VA |
White |
Mr Walt |
Communication with the public
How will you inform the public about the location of facilities? In the event of an emergency or if the event is cancelled, how will you let people know? This may include signage/site plan, PA system, loud hailer or local and social media etc. What communication will you do with local residents/businesses that may be affected by your event taking place (consider leafleting locally etc.)
Section 8 Crowd management
Security and stewarding
Details of the security provided at the event including who is managing the security, the number of staff, badge level and their role at the event. If volunteers are used for stewarding, you should explain how they will be trained and what experience they have. A full stewards briefing should be written down and attached as an appendix to this event plan. Consider getting stewards to sign a sheet after they have been read the briefing to say they have understood it. Any security/stewarding contactors will need to provide evidence of their PLI, a security plan (if security used) and a risk assessment to you.
The Police may need to provide support at your event. This will usually cost money and should be agreed as part of the Safety Advisory Group or directly with the Police through a SPS (Special Police Services) request. Nottinghamshire Police should be notified of your event using the Event Notification Document (this may have already been completed by the Police Events Team if you have met with them).
Lost/found children and vulnerable adults (VA)
A robust procedure should be in place to handle lost/found children and vulnerable adults. Make sure you differentiate between a ‘lost’ child/VA, where you have a parent/guardian reporting to you and a ‘found’ child/VA where you need to locate parent/guardian. Found children/VA should always be supervised, ideally by DBS checked staff (Disclosure & Barring Service / formerly known as CRB). Those charged with looking after found children/VA should not have another role (e.g. a found child put in the care of first aiders).
Lost Child/VA – Consider a site ‘lock-down’ if a child is reported as missing and the amount of time (10-30 minutes depending on area) for you to search the site before calling the Police.
Found Child/VA – Ensure you only use ‘sanitised’ PA announcements if a child is ‘found’ and get full description from anyone purporting to be the child/VA’s parent/guardian before reuniting them. Consider taking photo of child/VA with parent/guardian once reunited (on smart mobile phone?) and that any image will be deleted after 24 hours. The parent/guardian should be offered the chance to attend and see this deleted if they wish. It’s unlikely any genuine parent/guardian will object if you explain this is being done as part of your safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults at your event.
Depending on the size/nature/attendee’s at your event you could consider utilising paper wristbands to be distributed at the point of entry to parents/guardians who can then write a mobile contact number on the inside before attaching to their child/VA’s wrist.
Lost property
A point should be allocated for lost property and what you will do with any item not claimed after an allotted amount of time after the event closure – retain for reasonable amount of time before disposing of the items or taking to the nearest main Police Station if high value.
Section 9 Traffic management
Access to the event site
How will the event be serviced, and how will visitors get to the event? How will access and egress be provided to and within the event site? What provision will be needed for emergency vehicles?
What parking facilities are available for people attending the event (including disabled parking facilities)? Will this be on or off street? How will this be managed and will there be any restriction to access such a tickets or payment?
Traffic control and signs
Will signs be needed to direct traffic to the event? Will traffic need to be controlled to access or exit the event site? If the event is taking place on the highway will signs be needed to direct the event? How will non-event traffic be managed? If any signs or management of traffic is required the details must be approved by Nottinghamshire County Council Highways. The event organiser will be responsible for organising the equipment required and a suitably ‘competent person’ to put these in place.
Road closures and traffic restrictions
If your event requires road closures or other traffic restrictions an application will need to be made to Nottinghamshire County Council Highways Department at least three months before the event date. There may be a charge.
Section 10 Health and safety
Risk Assessment
A full risk assessment for the event should be completed and attached as an appendix. Practical help with risk assessments can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.
First aid
The HSE Event Safety Guide contains a matrix for calculating the required level of first aid cover. St John’s Ambulance, Red Cross or other contractors will ask a series of questions about the event to also recommend a level of cover. The event organiser is responsible for hiring the appropriate level of first aid cover for the event. It is very important to ensure that first aid is provided by appropriately trained people. East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) may want to see a copy of the Medical Plan from your first aid contractor.
Noise and vibration
If the event is in a built-up area, noise levels may need to be monitored by the Council’s Environment Health Service. Advice on this should be sought before your event.
Adverse Weather
When would an assessment be made to cancel the event in adverse weather and how would this be communicated to the public (possible social media, local radio etc.) What provision will be made for extremes of weather (e.g. supply of sunscreen/water for staff in hot weather or wet weather clothing if event suitable to be held in heavy rain).
Section 11 Major incident planning
What procedures would be adopted in the event of any emergency or major incident occurring at the event?
Emergency coordination team
A dedicated team of people should take control in the event of an emergency until the blue light services arrive on site. If emergency services are already on site the lead officer is usually the most senior member of staff in attendance.
Emergency vehicle access
Details of access routes for emergency vehicles onto the site and an RV point. Consider how they will get access if the site is busy with cars and pedestrians. These routes should be approved by Fire, Police and Ambulance services to ensure they are suitable for all types of vehicle.
Emergency procedures
Detailed procedures should be written to cover a range of emergency situations. These are to ensure emergency services and event staff all follow the same procedure. The procedures required will vary depending on the type of event and may include:
- Emergency Evacuation
- Fire
- Bomb
- Medical emergency
- Major structure emergency
- Overcrowding
- Anti-social behaviour, and
- Lost child/vulnerable adult
Guidance/templates on the completion of the above can be sought from the Police or other members of the Safety Advisory Group.
Last Updated on Wednesday, January 29, 2025