Event planning - Event Safety

Event Safety Management Plan

Depending on the type and size of your event, you may need to fill in an Event Safety Management Plan and attending an Advisory Safety Group Meeting.  However, you will be advised if attendance is required.  A template document of the Event Safety Management Plan is available to download to help you provide all the information that is needed.

The Event Safety Management Plan is a useful document for any event organiser as it will keep all your plans, procedures and information in one place and will ensure that you have considered all the events requirements.  It may be that you do not need to complete all sections.

First Aid

As the organiser of an Event, you will be responsible for ensuring that there is adequate medical cover.  East Midlands Ambulance Service have produced  an Event Medical Cover Guidance and an Event Medical Cover Calculator to help you plan this.  These documents will help you to understand your responsibilities and what level of cover will be required for your event.

Safety Advisory Group

A Safety Advisory Group will use your Event Safety Management Plan to understand the details of your event.  The group aims to support you in the planning process to ensure that your event is safe and well managed.

Download the Safety Advisory Group Protocol.

On Completion

When you have completed the Event Notification form, please send it through to the Environmental Health Manager at sag.process@bassetlaw.gov.uk

Booking a Council Park

If you wish to book a Council owned Park for your event, please complete the booking form on the Parks & Open Spaces pages.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024