Council Tax energy bills rebate

This Government Scheme closed on 30 November so we are unable to process any claims received after this date. If you are experiencing difficulties with the cost of living, please contact the Citizens Advice Cost of Living helpline on 01909 498 888 or the Council’s money advice team on 01909 533 744.

Energy Bills rebate

The Government has announced measures to support households in response to the rising costs of energy known as the Energy Bills Rebate, worth £9.1 billion. They asked local councils to use their Council Tax data to identify eligible households.

The “Council Tax Energy rebate” of £150 has now been paid to over 95% of eligible households in Council Tax bands A to D, within the Bassetlaw District Council are.)

The majority of residents who pay their Council Tax by direct debit received payment in the first two months of the scheme. In July, the Council then issued more than 12,000 emails and letters to eligible residents who do not pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit, asking them to provide their details in order to receive their payment.

More than two thirds of people written to have now responded to this letter. However the Council is keen to hear from residents who have not responded or provided their details to date.

The Council has issued its final  reminder letters to the remaining residents with instructions on how they can receive their energy payment, and to provide a new unique access code. Should the Council not receive any response within 30 days of this letter being issued, a £150 rebate will be deducted from their Council Tax bill for 2022/23.

If you do not have access to the internet, you will be able to contact our Council Tax Team over the phone to provide all of the information we need to process your payment. Please wait until you have received your letter before contacting us.

Please be aware that only one person who was liable for Council Tax on 1st April 2022 and is still resident may claim the rebate from the main scheme on behalf of the whole household. Please be alert to scams. We will always ask you to pass some security checks before confirming any bank details.

The main Energy Rebate scheme will close on 30 September 2022- no further claims will be accepted after this date. 

Additional discretionary energy rebate scheme

August 2022 to November 2022

The Government also asked the Council to design a local discretionary scheme to enable the £150 payment to be given to more residents, who did not qualify for the main scheme.

Please see the full discretionary scheme, but in general you will qualify if one of the following criteria applies:-

Properties in Council Tax Bands E-H

  • The liable person(s) are resident in a band E-H property; in receipt of Council Tax Reduction between 1 April 2022 and 30 April 2022; and not in any of the other categories listed as not eligible under the main scheme (one payment per household), this is approximately 83 residents.

Properties in All Council Tax Bands

  • Claimant is a newly liable person effective between 1 April 22 and 30 April 2022 and:
    • Claimant is not in any of the other categories listed as not eligible under the main scheme;
    • That any move of house is verified; and
    • Checks are made to verify the liable person and other household members; and
    • To ensure a payment has not been made before at the previous address or to another household member.
  • A landlord who is responsible for the fuel on a property, occupied between 1 April 2022 and 30 April 2022 by a tenant or tenants; and can provide evidence that the fuel is included within the rent. Payments will be limited to one payment per property.
  • A tenant who is resident between 1 April 2022 and 30 April 2022, not liable for the Council tax (because it is included in the rent) but is liable for the fuel bills. They must not have received a payment before at this or any previous address and provide evidence that they are responsible for the fuel bills.
  • A claimant resident  between  1 April 2022 and 30 April 2022 and has not been eligible for a payment in the main scheme nor any of the qualifying criteria above and:
    • Following an assessment by an approved BDC officer (including bank and address checks), has been deemed to be suffering exceptional circumstances or hardship, due to rising energy costs.
    • The amount of the payment will be at the discretion of the officer assessing the claimant, but will not exceed £150.
  • A claimant resident between 1 April 2022 and 30 April 2022 in a second home that is occupied for the purposes of or a condition of their employment.

The Council will offer the option to have the Energy Payment deducted from the Council Tax bill if preferred, this option is included on the application form.

Following the conclusion of payments to all households in Bands A to D, the Council will begin to process payments under the Discretionary Scheme. You will need to complete a form to claim the discretionary energy payment so that we can verify eligibility. You can find a link to the claim for at the top of this page.

Please note security checks will be undertaken prior to payment which can take up to 10 days before  payment is made.

Please be aware that only one person who is eligible may claim the rebate on behalf of the whole household. Do not complete the form if you or anyone in the household has already received a payment.

Please be alert to scams. We will always ask you to pass some security checks before confirming any bank details.

Other Energy Support measures include:

  • Rishi Sunak announced on 26 May 2022, that the energy bills discount due to come in from October is being doubled from £200 to £400, while the requirement to pay it back will be scrapped. This means households will receive a £400 discount spread over 6 instalments deducted from their energy bills from October.
  • The Department for Work & pensions has also started issuing eligible households who are on certain pensions or benefits a cost-of living payment to help with rising costs. These are to be automatically paid in two instalments one of £326 in July and a further payment later in the year of £324 if you are still in receipt of a qualifying benefit or pension.
  • There will be an additional cost of living payment of £150 due in September for certain disabled people who are in receipt of a qualifying benefit. The DWP will pay this automatically so you do not need to do anything to claim it.

How to check your Council Tax band

You can check your Council Tax band on the Governments GOV.UK website or challenge your Council Tax band by contacting the Valuation Office

Scheme closing date

All payments eligible under the discretionary energy rebate scheme must be paid by 30 November 2022 as per Government guidance.

This scheme will close on 30 November 2022 or when all of the funds have been allocated, whichever is sooner.

Full guidance

If you would like more information, please read the full Council Tax Rebate 2022-23 guidance that has been provided for billing authorities.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024