Discretionary discount - Decisions and appeals

The Head of Finance and Property Services and Cabinet member will determine all Section 13A applications from individuals. Decisions relating to class of property thereby affecting a group of tax payers will be taken by Cabinet.

Decision and Transparency

Cabinet decisions are minuted and recorded for transparency. Individual applications are subject to the requirements for data protection and care must be taken when handling requests for summary information of claims or awards. The Constitution delegates authority to the Head of Finance and Property Services to receive council tax applications. To satisfy transparency and use of public funds, annual information regarding claims or awards shall be submitted to an appropriate committee of Council, but subject to data protection.

Notification of Decision

The Council will notify a Council Tax Payer in writing within 14 days of receiving sufficient information to make a decision.

Amount of Discount or Reduction Granted

The amount of any discount or reduction will take into account the amount of the debt and the extent to which the criteria or guidelines are met.


If an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision there is a right of appeal to the Council’s Chief Executive. A request for a review of a decision must be made in writing within one month of the date of the letter informing the applicant of the decision.

A reapplication for a period already considered by either the Head of Finance and Property Services or the Chief Executive will only be considered if there has been a substantial change in the applicant’s circumstances.

Equalities Statement

The Council is committed to equality and fairness. Equality is about ensuring people are treated fairly and given fair chances. It is also about ensuring that people receive fair outcomes in the standard of service they receive from the Council. This incorporates everyone, regardless of their race, gender, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation and/or disability.

Fraudulent Claims

If a reduction has been made as a result of a false or fraudulent claim the Council reserves the right to withdraw the award.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024