Disabled Band Reduction

If a disabled person lives at a property, the person responsible for paying the bill may be entitled to a reduction in Council Tax.

To qualify for a reduction, the disabled person must live at the property and one of the following must apply:

  • There must be a room, which is not a bathroom or a kitchen or lavatory which is mainly used by, and is required to meet the needs of the disabled person; or
  • A bathroom or kitchen which is not the only bathroom or kitchen within the property and which is essential for meeting the needs of the disabled person; or
  • Enough floor space inside the property for the use of a wheelchair which is necessary for meeting the needs of the disabled person. 

You will need to make a claim for this disabled band reduction, your doctor or a health professional will need to sign the relevant part on the form to support your application. Our Property Inspector will also need to visit your property; s/he will telephone you to arrange a convenient time.

If you qualify for this reduction the Council Tax bill is worked out at the charge for the band below the one that your property is in. For example, if your property is in band C you will be charged Council Tax for a band B property. If you live in a band A property and qualify for disabled relief the reduction will be 1/9th of a band D property charge.

We may review the reduction on a yearly basis where we send a letter asking the person who pays the Council Tax Bill to confirm that the circumstances have not changed. If the disabled person leaves the property on a permanent basis then the relief will be cancelled.

If the disabled person lives alone s/he will also receive single occupier discount.

If there are other disregarded people living at the property with the disabled person (e.g. a carer) then there may be a further discount due.

If you would like to make an application for a Disabled Band Reduction, please email council.tax@bassetlaw.gov.uk with your full name and address and we will send you an application form.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024