Voter identification



From May 2023 electors, who wish to vote in person - including those acting as a proxy on behalf of another individual - will be required to produce an accepted form of photographic ID to confirm their identity before they will be issued with a ballot paper at a polling station.

This will apply at:

  • local elections in England
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections in England
  • UK Parliamentary by-elections
  • Recall petitions

The requirement for photographic ID to be provided at UK Parliamentary General elections will only take effect for elections held after 5 October 2023.

The Electoral Commission website has a full list of Accepted forms of photo ID

You can still use your photo ID if it's out of date, as long as it looks like you.

The name on your ID should be the same name you used to register to vote.

Voter Authority Certificates

Where an individual does not have or does not wish to use one of these accepted forms of photographic ID, they can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. This is a document containing an elector’s name and photograph which can be obtained free of charge from their local Electoral Registration Officer (ERO), following verification of an applicant’s identity. For voters living in Bassetlaw, the local Electoral Registration Officer is David Armiger, Chief Executive of Bassetlaw District Council and the Council’s Elections Team administer the Voter Authority Certificate process.

The Voter Authority Certificate cannot be used as proof of identity for any other purpose than for voting.

Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online

You will need a recent digital photo of your head and shoulders, with your face uncovered.

Your digital photo must be:

  • clear and in focus
  • in colour
  • against a plain, light-coloured background
  • your true likeness, with no Photoshop or filters
  • at least 600×750 pixels
  • JPG, PNG or GIF format — min 50 KB, max 20 MB

In your photo you must:

  • face forwards, looking straight at the camera
  • be alone, with no other objects or people
  • have a plain expression
  • have eyes open and visible, with no hair in front of them
  • not wear sunglasses, but normal glasses are fine if you typically wear them
  • not have a head covering (apart from religious or medical reasons)
  • not have ‘red-eye’, glare or shadows over your face

If you cannot (or do not want to) apply online, you can download the paper application form (PDF). Print and complete this in black pen, then send it to: Elections Team, Bassetlaw District Council, Queen's Building, Potter Street, Worksop, S80 2AH.

The deadline for applications for Voter Authority Certificates will be 5pm, six working days ahead of a poll.

Anonymous Elector’s Documents

Anonymous electors wishing to vote in person will also need to produce photographic ID. Due to their entry on the polling station register being linked to their electoral number, rather than their name, the only accepted form of photographic ID for an anonymous elector will be an Anonymous Elector’s Document. This is a document containing an anonymous elector’s elector number and photograph which can be obtained free of charge from Bassetlaw’s ERO, following verification of an applicant’s identity.

The Anonymous Elector’s Document cannot be used as proof of identity for any other purpose than for voting.

The deadline for applications for an Anonymous Elector’s Document will be 5pm, six working days ahead of a poll. 

Find out more about how to apply for an Anonymous Elector’s Document.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024