Misterton Notice of Uncontested Election

Notice of Uncontested Election


Election of Parish Councillors for Misterton on Thursday 4 May 2023. 

I, being the Returning Officer at the above election, report that the persons whose names appear below were duly elected Parish Councillors for Misterton.

Name of Candidate Home Address Description (if any)
Bland, Alex 145 Station Road, Misterton,
Doncaster, DN10 4DH
Brand, Hazel Magrete Sycamore Lodge, Grovewood
Road, Misterton, DN10 4EF
Collette, Gail 2 Grovewood Road, Misterton,
DN10 4EF
Cooper, Barry 24 Gringley Road, Misterton,
Doncaster, South Yorks, DN10
Jaggard-Smith, Nicola Jane 5 Old Forge Road, Misterton,
Doncaster, DN10 4BL
Keat, Ian George&

Last Updated on Wednesday, February 5, 2025