East Retford West

Bassetlaw Election of a District Councillor for East Retford West on Thursday 4 May

I, David Armiger, being the Returning Officer at the above election, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each Candidate at the said election is as follows:

Name of Candidate 


Number of votes*


CARROLL, Malachi Michael

Labour Party



DEXTER, Karen Anne

The Conservative and Unionist Party



PURLE, James Robert

The Conservative and Unionist Party



RAY, Philip Craig
commonly known as RAY, Phil

Liberal Democrat



Liberal Democrat


WADE, Jonathan
commonly known as WADE, Jon



commonly known as
DIGBY, Harriet Jane

Labour Party

 477  Elected 

 *If elected the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

Number of ballot papers

A - want of an official mark


B - voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to

C - writing or mark by which voter could be identified

D - being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty

E - rejected in part




Vacant Seats: 2

Electorate: 3830

Ballot Papers Issued: 1209

Turnout: 31.57%

And I do hereby declare that

CARROLL, Malachi Michael, WINGFIELD DIGBY, Harriet Jane commonly known as DIGBY, Harriet Jane are duly elected.

Dated Friday 5 May 2023
David Armiger
Returning Officer

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024