Community Governance Review 2020-2021

Parish Matters to be considered

  • To review the boundary between Ranskill and Torworth Parish Councils in the vicinity of the A638
  • Rampton and Woodbeck Parish Council –to increase the number of Parish Councillors.
  • Beckingham –cum-Saundby Parish Council - reduce the number of Parish Councillors.
  • Misson Parish Council –to increase the number of Parish Councillors
  • Holbeck & Welbeck Parish Council have indicated that they wish to explore the possibility of merging, possibly with a neighbouring small Parish Council.
  • To review the Ward boundary between Carlton-in-Lindrick and the non parished area of Worksop and make recommendations accordingly to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.


Ranskill / Torworth Parish boundary

Torworth Parish Council have asked for the Parish boundary with Ranskill, in the vicinity of the A638 to be reviewed as a result of a recent development. The initial rationale for this proposal is:

Torworth Parish Council ask that the boundary between Torworth and Ranskill is reviewed and the new development of housing be included within Torworth's Boundary (currently in Ranskill) the new development is currently classed as Ranskill but lays within the village of Torworth, which not only isolates that section of the community but also lends future opportunities for other developers to further develop and coalesce the two villages further which neither village wants.

As it currently stands it will be very likely that the new development will rely on the use of Torworth’s facilities, such as the playing field and park, but precepts would go towards Ranskill. Realigning the boundary would address this issue and in return provide cohesion with the community, as it stands the village will need to absorb the burden.

Carlton-in-Lindrick and Worksop boundary

Residents from the Blyth Road development, Worksop have contacted the District Council. This is a new development on the edge of the town. For all intents and purposes it looks like a natural extension of the town. The development is however within the Parish of Carlton-in-Lindrick. Residents were not aware of this until they received their Council Tax bills. In the May elections because  these residents are in Carlton Ward they had to vote at  Carlton-in-Lindrick. A number of residents have contacted the Council assuming these were administrative faults that could be quickly amended. The District Council does not have the power to amend Ward boundaries, but can make recommendations to the Local Government Boundary Commission.

Holbeck and Welbeck

All the Parish Council in the area are very small. This brings challenges of capacity nd sustainability. The Parish wish to explore options for mergers.


Beckingham Parish Council was unanimous in voting in favour of a reduction of seats from 11 to a total of 8 seats, one for Saundby and seven for Beckingham. The Council has consistently struggled to get anywhere near the 11 seats filled in the past, the new houses it is expected would mean the electorate whilst increasing isn’t getting anywhere near the national recommended thresholds from NALC for more than 8 in total and whilst the populations increased the workload for the councillors, the assets the council and clerk looks after are not increasing and is pretty steady.

Misson Parish Council

Wish to consider increasing the number of Councillors. The  Council currently has 7 seats.

Rampton and Woodbeck

Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council have requested that Bassetlaw Council considers to increase their seats by one from Seven to Eight seats. The Council now has 7 councillors but, their view was that whilst the electorate is likely not to exceed 900 in the near future, there are a number of developments in the pipeline that will impact on these issues.

Terms of Reference

The District Council is required to publish Terms of Reference.


Start Date:  1 October 2021

District Council publishes Terms of Reference and notifies stakeholders, clearly defining extent of CGR Terms of Reference

Introductory stage: 1 October 2021 – 1 January 2022

Submissions are invited. District Council invites proposals from stakeholders on future arrangements under the Terms of Reference.

Draft Proposals are prepared:

Draft proposals to be considered by full Council – 3 March 2022

District Council publishes Draft Proposals and notifies stakeholders.

Consultation on draft proposals: March – May 2022

Consultation with stakeholders.

Final Recommendations published:

Submissions considered and final recommendations produced. Final Recommendations are published and decision by Council 23 June 2022.

Effective Date: 1 September 2022

Order made. Thereafter Council publishes the Reorganisation Order and requests the Electoral Commission to approve any consequential changes.

Any changes to the numbers of Parish Councillors will not come into force until the next Ordinary elections i.e. May 2023

How to contact us

Should you wish to submit a written representation regarding this review, please address this to:

Stephen Brown

Head of Corporate Services

Bassetlaw District Council

Queen’s Buildings

Potter Street


S80 2AH

Telephone: 01909 533767



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024