You now need photo ID to vote at a Polling Station
Make an elections enquiry
Make an enquiry about an Elections issue using our on-line facility
Bassetlaw verification figure 2024
Bassetlaw verification figure
Becoming a councillor
Councillors play an important part of ensuring their community's needs are met by making sure that the council aims to work closely with its communities to improve the quality of life for all its resident.
How we handle your electoral data
How we handle your electoral data
Parish council vacancies
Guidance notes to help Parish and Town Councils follow the correct procedure for casual or other vacancies arising
Community governance review
Bassetlaw District Council has resolved to undertake a Community Governance Review (CGR) pursuant to Part 4, Chapter 3 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
Parliamentary boundary review
The Boundary Commission’s final report
Past election results
Election results for past years in Bassetlaw