Retford Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan Information Notice

Retford Town Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Residential and Business)

Thursday 14th November 2024

I, David Armiger, Counting Officer and Business Registration Officer, hereby give notice that a Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Residential and Business) will take place on Thursday, 14th November 2024.

The poll will consist of a Residential referendum and Business referendum running in tandem, both subject to a formal timetable.

A person is entitled to vote in the residential referendum if at the time of the referendum, they meet the eligibility criteria to vote in a local election for the area and if they live in the referendum area.

In the ‘designated business area’ non-domestic rate payers also get an opportunity to vote on whether the neighbourhood plan should come into legal force.

Those non-domestic rate payers “business vote holders”, within the “designated business area”, will be sent two forms, one to register to vote and one to choose how they wish to cast their vote.

  • Form A - Non-domestic Rate-Payer Registration Form &
  • Form B - Voting Choices Form

Both forms must be completed and returned by 5pm on 30th October 2024 with the Form B detailing how the “named business voter” wishes to cast their vote. This can be by post or in person at a polling station in the Business area.

Both forms must be completed and submitted by this date for the registration to be valid.

Further information can be obtained on the Council's planning webpage and information of the referendum can be found here.

David Armiger,
Counting Officer and Business Registration Officer,
27th August 2024

Electoral Services,
Queen’s Buildings,
Potter Street,
S80 2AH.

Map of the Retford Town Centre Planning Area


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 27, 2024