Rural communities - Area parish forums

There are two area forums of Parish Councils in Bassetlaw.

Role of the Forum

  • To encourage greater involvement from local communities in issues that affects them.
  • To identify specific issues and develop local responses.
  • To articulate the needs of the area.
  • To provide a forum for service providers to gain closer contact with residents and local organisations.

North East Bassetlaw Forum

The North East Bassetlaw Forum was established in 2004, initially as a three-year pilot.  This was reviewed, and all members agreed its ongoing support. The District council provides support in the form of a Senior Officer and administrative assistance.


To support collective working amongst Parish Councils and Community Groups in the area covered by the Parishes of Misterton, West Stockwith, Walkeringham, Beckingham, Gringley-on-the-Hill, Everton and Misson. Mattersey joined in 2007 and Ranskill in 2012.


Membership of the Forum is made up of all Parish Councils in the area, community groups, District and County Councillors for the area.  The Forum will consider applications from any group that can demonstrate they are supportive of the Forum objectives and are not restrictive on membership.


The Forum meets four times a year and meeting venues alternate around its area.  Meetings are open to the public.  Meetings commence with a question time to allow public to raise issues.

For more information contact



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024