Equality & Diversity


Equality is about making sure people are treated fairly and are given equal opportunities. Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way as it recognises that the needs of individuals are sometimes best met in different ways.

Bassetlaw District Council recognises that each of us has our own unique needs, skills, qualities and abilities, and that this diversity must be valued.  By having a better understanding of these issues, the Council and its partners can make sure its services are responding to the needs of local people and local communities.

The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 introduced duties on public bodies consisting of general and specific duties which replaced former duties for race, gender and disability.

The general duties require public bodies to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other prohibited conduct;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share protected characteristics* and people who do not share it; and
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Having “due regard” requires public bodies to consciously think about the three general duties as part of their decision-making processes.

The specific duties require public bodies to publish relevant, proportionate information demonstrating their compliance with the Equality Duty; and to set specific, measurable equality objectives.

*The 9 Protected Characteristics are: Age, Race, Disability, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership and Pregnancy and maternity.   

Our Equality Objectives 2020-24

The Council’s Equality Objectives are set out in its Equality and Diversity Strategy. These are allied to the Council Plan and respond to the latest data and information on Bassetlaw and its communities. The objectives for 2020-24 are:

Objective 1: Engage and communicate in appropriate and accessible ways
We know that good quality information leads to well-informed decisions, which in turn impact on the suitability and quality of services.

Objective 2: Ensure we deliver inclusive and responsive services
Understand and remove the barriers people face when accessing services. The Council acknowledges the challenges of rural isolation, access to services and limited public transport.

Objective 3: Foster good relations with and within the community
Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. As a council we want to lead the district in celebrating and promoting our diversity and the benefits and opportunities it brings. We will continue to promote inclusion, fairness and accessibility, whilst raising the profile of Bassetlaw as a great place to live, study and visit.

Objective 4: Break the cycle of inequality and improve life chances
We know that some groups experience poorer life chances than others and that poverty can be a significant factor in determining life chances and wellbeing. At a local and national level there are also areas of persistent inequality which remain a considerable challenge. We will continue to focus on those in greatest need to ensure that people can access services and support that works for them.

Objective 5: Develop and support a diverse workforce
We will continue to promote inclusion, fairness and accessibility in our work place. A representative workforce will help us deliver services that are accessible, appropriate and that help reduce inequalities.

Single Equality Scheme

As a Council we have a duty to produce a Single Equality Scheme.  This guides our approach to increasing fairness and access to Council services.  This applies to everyone in the District - from those who provide services to the people who use them.

Our Single Equality Scheme is included in our Equality and Diversity Strategy (HTML) which runs from 2021-2025.

Assessing Equality Impact

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) are a way to make sure our individuals and teams think carefully about the likely impact of policies or procedures, strategies, functions and services, to identify any unmet needs, and to provide a basis for action to improve services where appropriate.

It systematically assesses and records the actual, potential or likely impact of a service, policy or project – or a significant change in a service, policy or project - on different groups of people. The consequences of policies and projects on particular groups are analysed and anticipated so that, as far as possible, any negative consequences can be eliminated or minimised and opportunities for ensuring equality can be maximised.

View our Equality Impact Assessments.

Annual Report

The Annual Report highlights the work of the Council, with its partners on addressing equality and diversity issues within our local communities. It provides information about Bassetlaw and the reasons for the Council's priorities. Hard copy versions of the report are available at our Offices in Worksop and Retford. It can be made available in other formats if required.

View our annual report for 2023.

Demographics of the District

The most up-to-date demographic information of Bassetlaw.

Our Gender Pay Gap and Pay Policy Statement

Disability Confident Committed

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024