Emergency plans

The Local Authority works closely with the Emergency Services and Government in the preparation of a wide variety of contingency plans. Details of the plans must remain confidential for operational reasons but an outline of the arrangements in place is given below.

Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Local Authorities, together with the Emergency Services, are required to prepare both generic and specific contingency plans for the risks identified within their area.

This involves:-

  • Identifying the potential risk of an emergency occurring
  • Preparing and regularly reviewing emergency plans
  • Agreeing on the respective roles of all involved in the response to an incident
  • Putting in place Business Continuity Management Arrangements
  • Arranging for warning and informing the public in the event of emergencies
  • Sharing information and co-operating with other responders
  • Providing advice to businesses and voluntary organisations about business continuity management
  • Undertaking necessary training and exercising

The Local Authority works in close liaison with the emergency services, utilities, agencies and voluntary organisations in the preparation of its plans.

All the various bodies involved are represented on the Local Resilience Forum which acts as a strategic co-ordinating group.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024