Help and advice for young people

Bassetlaw District Council actively promote and develop the Bassetlaw District Youth Assembly in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council.

We want all young people in Bassetlaw to have equality of opportunity and to have access to services that will enable them to have a high quality of life.

The Council has shown its commitment to young people in Bassetlaw by having a Young People’s champion who is Councillor Sue Shaw. The role of Young People’s ‘champion’, is to ensure that Young People’s issues are among the priority issues being considered by the Council.

Concerned About The Safety of a Child?

If you are being abused or you are concerned about a child If you are concerned about someone who works with children
  • Tell someone you trust
  • Contact Children's Social Care on 0300 500 80 80
  • In an emergency outside of office hours please call our emergency duty team on 0300 456 4546.
  • If you are concerned about the behaviour of someone who works with children and young people (in either a paid or voluntary capacity) please see Chapter 7 of the Safeguarding Children Procedures and contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) via 0115 977 3921.

If you are not sure whether a child is being abused you can discuss the circumstances with us or with someone else who works with children, such as a teacher, health visitor or the NSPCC. All professionals who work with children have a responsibility to safeguard them and will know how to help.

Useful Links

  • Health for Kids and Teens - Interactive website aimed at young people aged 5-11 and their parents/carers. Providing fun and interactive information to support children and young people's emotional and physical health and well-being.
  • Information For Children - Think U Know, education programme from CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
  • Get Help - Online abuse helpline
  • Youth Services in Nottinghamshire
  • Schools - finding a school, holiday dates, getting to school, school dinners and more.
  • Leaving School - advice on what to do when you leave school.
  • Centrepoint - Giving homeless young people a future.
  • Play England - Play England's aim is for all children and young people in England to have regular access and opportunity for free, inclusive, local play provision and play space.
  • National Children's Bureau - NCB promotes the interests and well-being of all children and young people across every aspect of their lives.
  • Department of Education - responsible for the education and children's services.
  • GOV.UK - Offers advice on education, careers, housing, money, health and relationships for 13-19 year olds in the UK.
  • Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw (FOYIB) - independent charity supporting young people between the ages of 8 and 15 years.
  • Kidscape - Giving children the skills to tackle bullying.
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People - includes information for children and young people in Nottinghamshire on staying safe online, self harm, bullying, fostering and much more.
  • Childline - ChildLine is a service provided by NSPCC. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024