Memorial masons registration scheme


Registration scheme

Scope of the scheme

In order to work within the council’s cemeteries, memorial masons must be registered with the council under this scheme.

Administration of the Scheme

The scheme will be administered on behalf of the Council by the Cemeteries Office.

Requirements of the Scheme

All registered participants to the scheme will be expected and obliged to adhere to the following basic requirements.

These are the minimum acceptable requirements of the Council and may be up-dated from time to time.

Memorial masons are welcome to exceed these requirements and will be encouraged to propose suggestions or ideas, which they believe, will improve or enhance the Scheme.

Any suggestions or ideas adopted by the Council will be applied equally to all registered participants.


The Memorial Mason Registration Scheme aims to establish a uniform standard of workmanship and working practices throughout all of Bassetlaw District Council’s cemeteries.

The Scheme will address the standards required for the installation, repair and maintenance of memorials, both new and existing.

It will ensure health and safety and administrative requirements are met with a view to producing a common approach at every cemetery or churchyard under the Council’s management.

Through adoption of the scheme it is the intention to identify and promote the best practice of the industry by all registered participants.

All memorial masons registering on the scheme must be able to demonstrate an acceptable standard of workmanship, to the approval of the cemeteries office.

Memorial masons and their staff shall be suitably qualified, experienced and competent to perform all works necessary when erecting, dismantling and repairing memorials to meet current industry and statutory Health and Safety requirements and guidelines.

Memorials must not be installed, etc. unless the Application to Erect a Memorial has been approved, and an Approved Permit has been issued by the cemeteries office.

All memorials shall be installed, etc. to conform with the NAMM Code of Practice along with the Specifications detailed in the scheme.

The fixing procedure for a typical memorial is shown on the reverse of memorial application form along with the height restriction.

The installation, renovation, etc. of all memorials by the memorial masons on the scheme must fully comply with all of the Council’s standard administration and operational procedures.

Every memorial mason on the scheme shall be insured for Employers & Public Liability to the value of Five Million Pounds (£5,000,000) for any one incident.

Any memorial masons not meeting these requirements will not be eligible for the scheme.

Annual registration will require a new valid insurance certificate being submitted to the cemeteries office.

The registration scheme will be updated, and the memorial mason will be issued with a registration number and a memorial registration certificate.

On the receipt of an application for a permit the memorial masons details will be checked on the cemeteries data base to verify all documents are valid.

The specification details of the proposed memorial will also be checked before issuing a permit.

Any details found to be invalid will result in the application for a permit being refused until such time the details have been renewed.

Inspection of memorials

The memorial mason named on the application must inform the cemeteries office, once the memorial has been erected in the cemetery as soon as possible.

The cemeteries office, or other authorised Council staff, will inspect the memorial, etc. either, as the work proceeds, or shortly after the work is completed.

Where work is found to be unacceptable, either not conforming to the specification, i.e. over height limits or for any other reason, or in response to a complaint from the public or council staff, the cemeteries office, or the inspecting Council Officer, will instruct the memorial mason to return and rectify the work so that it meets the Council’s standards.

Also, where there is reasonable suspicion that works are unacceptable, either by not conforming to the fixing methods or for any other reason, the cemeteries office may instruct the memorial mason to dismantle his work in order to verify compliance with the Scheme’s standards.

In the event that work does not meet the required standards the memorial mason will remove and then reinstall the memorial to the appropriate standards, the costs of dismantling and reinstalling in these circumstances being his responsibility.

In the event that the work complies with the required standards, the costs of dismantling and re-erection will be the responsibility of the Council.

If, for any reason, the memorial mason refuses to co-operate in any way, the cemeteries office shall have the right to employ a third party (a qualified memorial mason registered under the scheme) to perform the work.

In these circumstances, where the work fails to comply with the scheme standards, the costs will be the responsibility of the mason originally installing the memorial.

In the circumstances where there is a refusal to co-operate by a memorial mason, they will become eligible for action under stage 2 of the Disciplinary Procedures of the Scheme.

Disciplinary procedures

To ensure that the Council standards are maintained and that all participants to the registration scheme are operating uniformly to these standards the cemeteries office will operate a disciplinary procedure which shall be applied fairly to all participants of the Scheme, and where appropriate their sub-contractors.

The disciplinary procedure will be based on the cemeteries rules and regulations and the memorial specification.

The following list, though not exhaustive, will be considered as gross misconduct:

  • Installation/fixing/added inscription or renovation, etc. of a memorial not approved by the Cemeteries office.
  • Refusal to rectify an error in the fixing installation, etc. of a memorial when instructed to do so by the cemeteries office or their appointee.
  • Abusive or aggressive behaviour to any Council staff or members of the public.
  • Failure to adhere to the Council Cemetery Rules and Regulations or the Conditions of Permit Application.

Stage 1

Minor breach of the rules and regulations or specification

A minor breach of the rules or specification will result in a verbal / written warning given by the cemeteries office, assuming the breach is corrected promptly, the cemeteries office will decide, at their discretion between a verbal or written warning.

A verbal / written warning shall be maintained on the memorial mason’s record for a period of twelve months (12 months) then, if no further breaches occur, the warning will be removed from their record.

Stage 2

Further breach of the rules and regulations or specification

If, during the 12-month period, another breach of the rules and regulations or specification is committed, the cemeteries office will decide, at their discretion, to exclude the memorial mason / company for a period of two years (24 months).

Exclusion from the registration scheme

Exclusion from the scheme will result when a memorial mason is found guilty of gross misconduct or commits a further breach of the rules or specification whilst the 12-month term is in effect.

An exclusion from the scheme will be for a period of two years (2 years), during this period a memorial mason will be forbidden to undertake any work whatsoever within the Council’s cemeteries.

In instances of exclusion the Cemeteries Office may consider advising other local authorities of the circumstances, at their discretion.

Appeal Procedure

A memorial mason who is not satisfied with the treatment under the disciplinary is entitled to appeal against the decision taken under these procedures.

All appeals shall be made in writing within two weeks following the disciplinary decision, stating the reason for the appeal and only these reasons will be admissible at the appeal.

In the first instance an appeal will be heard by the Parks Operational Service Manager (Horticulture) and the Director / Heads of Service.

In the event of a failure to reach a conclusion, the memorial mason may make a second appeal in writing which will be heard by the Chief Executive of the Council or his appointed nominee.

Final Appeal

Scheme members shall be entitled to a final appeal by an independent panel consisting of a member from each of the following bodies:

Costs for such an appeal shall be determined by the independent Appeal Panel.


The Council may review the rules, requirements and performance of the Registration Scheme from time to time, and if so will consult with members of the scheme.


Each participant in the scheme shall be prohibited from assigning, sub-contracting or in any way transferring his obligations or rights under the scheme except with the prior written approval from the Cemeteries Office.

Registration scheme compliance

Each memorial mason (i.e. each individual, company or firm, as the case may be) signing the Memorial Mason Registration Scheme’ will be deemed to have agreed to comply with the following:

  • Rules and Regulations for Cemeteries - Bassetlaw District Council.
  • Memorial Mason Registration Scheme - Bassetlaw District Council.
  • Other information for Cemeteries - Bassetlaw District Council.
  • Current Requirements of N.A.M.M. Code of Working Practice (latest relevant edition).
  • The anchorage or fixing system used must be recognised and approved by NAMM.
  • The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
  • British Standard 8415:2005.
  • Other relevant British Standards.
  • All other relevant statutory requirements.
  • To complete Memorial Application forms.
  • Employers & Public Liability to the value of Five Million Pounds (£5,000,000) for any one incident.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024