What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the richness and variety of plants, birds, animals and insects. In its basic form, biodiversity means the diversity of life. Biodiversity is all living things, from the tiny garden ant to the largest tree. Biodiversity is everywhere, in planters and window boxes, roadsides, woods and the seashore.

Every person on this planet is part of biodiversity and we depend upon it for our quality of life, clothes, food and health and relaxation.

Why is biodiversity important to you?

Biodiversity is important to every one of us, because we depend on other species and the eco-systems that they produce in order that we, ourselves, can survive.

Biodiversity provides us with:

  • Circle of Life which allows Planet Earth to continue in a way that benefits all species on it. We have the opportunity to practice thoughtful stewardship and allow the circle to continue unbroken;
  • Economic Benefits that maintain a healthy economy. Without the products that a well balanced biodiversity produces such as food, building materials, clothing and fuel we, as humans would find it difficult to survive let alone prosper;
  • Ecosystem which provides us with clean water, fresh air and productive soils that we need to survive.
  • Food, Medicines and Natural Products that keep us healthy;
  • Natural Beauty that we find in many areas of Bassetlaw helps us to relax and enjoy a good quality of life;

The Link Between Bassetlaw District Council and Biodiversity?

Bassetlaw has a wide and varied geology and habitat, which supports 19 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and in excess of 290 Local Wildlife Sites, previously known as SINCs or Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. This important wildlife is found throughout the whole of the district.

Bassetlaw District Council are keen to protect the wildlife of the district and produced its first Nature Conservation Strategy in June 2006, and have achieved the strategy’s main target of designating three Local Nature Reserves in August 2009, these being:

  • Langold Country Park
  • Retford Cemetery
  • Woodsetts Pond 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024