Accidents, emergencies and safety
Advice and links to the accident and emergency services in Bassetlaw
Community Safety
Community safety is about helping our communities to be and feel safe, whether at home, work, in public spaces or even online.
Bassetlaw Youth Council
Bassetlaw Youth Council is made up of young people (11-19 years) from across the whole of Bassetlaw who want to influence local decisions about the District.
Biodiversity and nature conservation
Information about Biodiversity And Nature Conservation in Bassetlaw
Cemeteries in Bassetlaw
Information on the cemeteries that the Council are responsible for
Children and young people
Help, advice, information and events for children and young people in the district of Bassetlaw
Children's Centre Services
Find out about locations and services available to expectant parents & parents/carers with children under five.
Citizens advice
Citizens advice can help with many issues and is a free, confidential and independent service
Services for the over 50s
Community services for the over 50s within the district of Bassetlaw
Dealing with debt
Advice on how to get help before debts become unmanageable, particularly priority debts like your rent and Council Tax.
Emergency planning
Information and advice to our residents and businesses about any known or potential emergency
Equality & Diversity
Bassetlaw Equality and Diversity pages, promoting and encouraging diversity throughout the district.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Progress Report 2023
This report outlines some of the key activities undertaken by Bassetlaw District Council over the past year in support of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Libraries in Bassetlaw
Contact details and opening times of the libraries within the district of Bassetlaw
Life events
Information on life events, such as, births, deaths, marriage, adoption and fostering
Nottinghamshire help yourself
A partnership between health, the voluntary sector and Nottinghamshire County Council to bring information and advice together in one central place
Public toilets
Information about the council operated public toilets in the district
Rural Communities
Parish councils and other community groups are actively helping to improve the quality of life for their communities
Support for Armed Forces Personnel
The different support available for Armed Forces Personnel
Support organisations and charities
This is a collection of some of the support organisations and charities that operate in the Bassetlaw area
Twinning information
Information about the four twinned towns that Bassetlaw has
There are lots of volunteering opportunities across North Nottinghamshire
Winter weather advice
Advice on what to do in case of severe cold weather and snow, including gritting roads, school closures and potholes.
Support for the Armed Forces Community Booklet
November 2023
Worksop Town Board
The Worksop Town Board brings together community leaders, statutory bodies, businesses, the local authority and the MP
VE and VJ Day Anniversaries
2025 is the 80th Anniversary of VE and VJ Day.
Local VE and VJ Day Celebrations
Events taking place in Bassetlaw for the 80th anniversary of VE and VJ day.