Worksop Masterplan Vision

Foreword and Introduction

This Masterplan for Worksop Town Centre seeks to bond together a range of existing and new initiatives into one holistic vision for the future, that honours the built, natural and cultural heritage of the town.

Drivers for Change

Recent challenging economic conditions, the ongoing Covid pandemic, structural change in the retail market, coupled with changing consumer behaviours and expectations, have had a fundamental impact on high streets across the UK over the past decade.

Historical Background

Worksop is an ancient town to be found in the North West of Nottinghamshire and described in the Doomsday book as Wirchesop (although there are numerous other spelling and meanings) which name supposedly meant ‘a fortified hill.

Key concepts

Based on an analysis of the opportunities and the key issues outlined above and following briefings from local experts, Elected Members and stakeholders five Key Concepts were developed to frame the Masterplan and provide the starting point for the design and regeneration process.

Project Clusters

In order to deliver the Key Concepts and bring together these strands a series of Project Clusters have been identified to focus priorities for investment and catalyse change.

Towards Delivery

This Masterplan sets out a comprehensive framework that will help to deliver positive change, and a range of projects and improvements to transform Worksop Town Centre over the next 20 years

Worksop Town Centre Masterplan: Appendix

The Masterplan covers the period from 2020 to 2040.

Worksop Town Centre Masterplan Vision (PDF)

The downloadable PDF version of the Worksop Town Centre Masterplan Vision (12 MB - Non-Accessible)