Key concepts

Smart and Sustainable Economic Growth

A mix of Town Centre uses, and a rebalancing of these to facilitate growth in key growth sectors, as well as support independent for local business growth, and significant increases in urban living will meet the challenges of the future and secure a vibrant, sustainable future for Worksop. With an emphasis on skills and quality job creation Worksop Town Centre will become the engine room of the local and sub-regional economic picture and an aspirational place to live, learn, work and play.

New technology will both facilitate and be the driver of change and the Masterplan seeks to establish the necessary infrastructure to support innovation, skills development, design for manufacture and the knowledge economy. Building on key anchors at the Creative Village, and new opportunities at the WASH and Middletons, start-ups, incubation and business clusters in an around the Town Centre will emerge. The holistic vision is to re-purpose the whole District as a vibrant, productive and inclusive environment where people can thrive and prosper.

Reviving a Sense of Community 

The future of Worksop Town Centre will lie in meeting the everyday needs of the Town Centre community and those that live in the surrounding area, whilst attracting and retaining visitors for unique and memorable experiences. Existing and new green spaces will attract and retain footfall in the Town Centre creating an environment for people to enjoy the leisure, retail, market and food and drink options available. The proposed new housing in the Town Centre, alongside improvements to the existing stock, will attract new residents with spending power, supporting retail, leisure, services and hospitality.

As a compact town, Worksop is accessible for pedestrians and cyclists from the Town Centre, to the suburbs and beyond. Taking advantage of improved transport connections for cycling and public transport, everyday facilities, jobs and leisure will be easily accessible encouraging more people to live and work in Worksop and greater use of a mixed and vibrant Town Centre with activity throughout the day and evening which allows local people and businesses to thrive.

The Masterplan proposes a series of inclusive spaces that will meet the needs of all, whether they are local residents or visitors from further afield. A new cultural offer will underpin a drive towards developing an active civil society that will assist in the curation of a place for everyone to enjoy.

This concept is further validated by the recently published Build Back Better Covid-19 Supplement for Town Centres (2020), which identifies the refocussing of Town Centres around public spaces, local identity and sustainable transport as the future. These are reflected in the Project Clusters described below.

Life on the Waterfront

The presence of water is both an asset and a threat to the Town Centre. As part of the Masterplan, improved flood resilient measures and waterside habitats will enhance the image of the town. Flood defence development; making room for water; river restoration; green walls, roofs and public spaces all form part of the Masterplan Concept of Life on the Waterfront. Opportunities exist to create upstream storage to improve the flow of the River Ryton to reduce flood risk, alongside measures to remove downstream obstructions and constraints.

New developments will be sustainable, meeting at least the Future Homes Standard and the retrofitting of existing buildings will further mitigate climate change.

Whist localised flood risk will be managed through climate change adaptation measures, the Masterplan seeks to reduce the overall carbon footprint of Worksop Town Centre through promoting sustainable transport, improvements to existing buildings and the establishment of a heat network focussed on the river valley, creating an exemplar.

With the retrofitting of currently unsympathetic buildings, the green heart of Worksop will grow, enjoying a theme of nature, heritage and vibrant public spaces, allowing both the daytime and evening economy to grow.

This high-level concept is being developed in partnership with the Environment Agency to develop a flood alleviation scheme featuring nature-based solutions alongside significant engineering works to ensure that flood and water management becomes an opportunity rather than a threat to the Town Centre. This is explored further under Waterfront Leisure and the Blue Green Ribbon.

Active Travel Choices and Sustainable Transport

Encouraging walking and cycling will re-establish the Town Centre as a safe and healthy destination. Through a combination of cycle lanes, customer focussed public transport and traffic management, routes through the Town Centre will connect the suburbs, railway station, bus station, retail and leisure outlets for visitors and residents. With onward routes to Clumber Park, the Town Centre will form part of the visitor economy whilst also serving everyday needs. Improved cycling infrastructure will provide healthier travel choices for work and leisure trips.

Two major axes have been identified that form the basis for thinking about walking and cycling and public transport in the Town Centre. One route connects Worksop Town Centre with the suburbs to the north, the railway station the National Cycle Network and onwards to Clumber Park from north to south. A second route connects the Castle site to the west with the Priory and The Canch to the east creating a corridor across the Town Centre. Cycle, electric and alternative fuel vehicle charging hubs will allow bikes/vehicles to be parked safely at key locations. This will complement opportunities along the Chesterfield Canal and River Ryton, both are green walking and cycling corridors, connecting Worksop to neighbouring communities and the countryside around.

Active travel is being further explored with Sustrans, while public transport providers and Northern Rail will consider routes and multi-modal  connectivity with the proposed cycle hubs, the railway station, electric vehicle/cycle and alternative fuel vehicle charging and improved access to Bridge Street.

Reconnecting People and History

Worksop has a rich and multi-layered history. The Masterplan will seek to reveal the sometimes-hidden heritage of the Town Centre. Public spaces, quality street furniture and distinctive landscaping will improve the setting of the historic buildings, for example on Bridge Street while the extension of the historic Market Square in the south of the Town Centre will enhance the setting for the range historic buildings around its edge that have statutory protection and that are in need of sustainable uses and investment.

The Masterplan will seek to make better use of the Castle as a historic location whilst also celebrating Worksop’s industrial and market town heritage. Improved access across the Town Centre will link the older buildings with great public spaces to create a pleasant place to live and visit. A heritage trail will encourage exploration, particularly of little-known aspects of the Town Centre providing opportunities for independent businesses to establish along its route.

The River Ryton and Chesterfield Canal, in addition to being important green infrastructure assets, have a historic significance relating to the earliest origins of Worksop and the town’s later growth and prosperity. These assets are celebrated and revealed through the Masterplan and will become key anchors for regeneration and economic growth.

This Key Concept is closely related to the culture offer of the Town Centre with a synergy between the historic places and spaces, key assets and buildings and the role of the arts in attracting and retaining visitors to the Town Centre. Whilst this element remains intangible, the resonance of this needs to be captured to bring life to the places and spaces within the Town Centre.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024