Priory Centre Redevelopment

Powered by Levelling Up Funded by UK Government

Bassetlaw District Council has created a new partnership with BPL as it moves forward with the re-development of Worksop’s Priory Centre.

Offering a new entertainment and leisure venue in the town centre has been a key focus of the Council’s plans to date, and BPL has now been confirmed as its official partner who will develop and manage the dedicated entertainment and leisure site.

This new offering is expected to attract more people to the town centre and support the retail and food court provision at the Priory Centre. The plans include a bowling alley, climbing wall, indoor adventure play area and a café.

The priory centre redevelopment is part of the £17.9 million UK Government funded Levelling Up project to transform Worksop Town Centre. The Council and partners will contribute an additional £2 million in funding to support the project.

The Levelling Up Fund is designed to invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life across the UK. The £4.8 billion fund will support town centre and high street regeneration, local transport projects, and cultural and heritage assets.

Green Retail Walkway artist interpretation Food Court artist interpretation Leisure Approach artist interpretation

Map showing the plans for the Priory Centre in Worksop


Is the Council knocking down the Priory Centre?
The plans will only see the demolition of units 21 -27. The Council has spoken to all affected businesses and will offer alternative accommodation within the Priory Centre.

When will works start?
We expect works to begin in summer 2024.

Who will be the Council’s main contractor?
The council is currently undertaking the procurement to appoint a main contractor

Who will run the leisure facility?
Brandley Premier Leisure (BPL) will be delivering the family focused leisure facility.

When will the worked be completed?
The Council are expecting the facility to be open in Spring 2025.  

Will there be any disruption to the Priory Centre businesses?
The Council will use a considerate contractor. We will communicate the building programme as soon as it becomes available.

Will the Priory Centre be closing whilst the development takes place?
No. The Priory Centre will remain open  

How was the public consulted on these plans?
The Council undertook 12 weeks of public and stakeholder consultation in 2022 to develop the bid that was approved by Government.

Can you use the Levelling Up money for anything else?
The funding was awarded to deliver the project submitted to Government in the Levelling Up Bid. We can only use the funding for this project.

I would like to open a new business in the Priory Centre who should I contact?
Please contact our managing agents, Eddisons.  

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024