Duty of Care
All businesses have a Duty of Care under The Environmental Protection Act 1990 to ensure that they take all reasonable steps to keep their waste safe. Waste must be stored safely and securely and must not cause pollution to people or the environment. The waste must be packaged in suitable containers so it cannot fall out, blow away or escape from the receptacle.
Businesses must also ensure that the person removing the waste is either a Local Authority or a licensed waste collection company and must be able to provide evidence by which they legally dispose of your waste. There must be a written description of your waste in the form of a Waste Transfer Note and you must retain this for a period of two years.
From 31 March 2025, businesses will be legally required to separate recyclable materials and food waste from their general waste. This applies to businesses with 10 or more full-time employees. Small businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees are temporarily exempt until 31 March 2027. You can find out more about the requirement on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.
Commercial Waste Service Provision
The Council offers a competitive waste collection service for commercial premises within Bassetlaw.
The services offered include a full range of waste disposal options, from prepaid brown sacks ideal if you have no bin storage area, to a range of wheeled bins 240, 360 and 1100 Litres in capacity and which are normally collected on a weekly basis.
Please note: The Council run a closed lid policy. All bin lids must be completely closed, and all bins must be accessible by 6.00am.
The cost of each wheeled bin (per collection):
Type | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025 |
Pre-paid sack | £5.11 | £5.41 |
240 litre bins | £7.36 | £8.14 |
360 litre bins | £10.46 | £11.63 |
1100 litre bins | £31.95 | £35.39 |
Duty of Care Form Completion | N/A | £50.00 |
Frequently asked questions
Q. Why do I have to pay for trade waste when I already pay business rates?
A. Businesses have the choice and right to “shop around” to find the best rates for the disposal of their waste needs and because of this they may not choose to use the service offered by the Council.
Commercial waste collection and disposal charges cannot be included in the business rating system for this reason.
The official business rates government website will help to explain why you as a commercial premises are charged business rates
Q. Why can’t I burn my waste?
A. You could be breaking the law and cause environmental pollution by burning waste.
Q. Why can’t I take my waste home and put it in my domestic bin or take it to a civic amenity site?
A. You must be a licensed waste carrier to transport waste in the first place; in addition, civic amenity sites can only be used for disposal of household waste.
Q. If I put at the side of my bin, waste that will not fit in will it be collected?
A. No. Only waste contained within the bin and the bin lid must be completely closed. All bins must be accessible by 6.00am.
Q. Do I have to renew my contract every year?
A. No, your contract is ongoing until you inform us, in writing, that you wish to cancel. A 28-day notification is required.
Last Updated on Tuesday, March 4, 2025