New, additional, damaged or replacement bins

New bins

If you have recently moved address or moved into a new build property and you have no wheeled bins, you can request a green or blue wheeled bin by filling in our online form.

Once you have submitted your request we will confirm when the wheeled bins will be dispatched and when they have been delivered.

The charge for supplying your wheeled bin is:

  • Green bin, 240 litre (general waste) - £43.00
  • Blue bin, 240 litre (recycling waste) - £43.00

Additional wheeled bins

Households may apply for additional general waste bins to give extra capacity in the following circumstances:

  • Larger households (6 or more persons permanently residing in a single household).
  • Households who have 2 or more children in nappies under 2 years of age. (This would be temporary extra capacity).

If your request is authorised there is a charge of £43.00 for any additional bin.

If you believe you are eligible for additional capacity for general waste then please complete our request an additional wheeled bin form or alternatively contact Environment Services on 01909 534501.

Damaged, lost or stolen bins

If your bin is missing, has been stolen or is damaged, please contact our Waste and Recycling Team direct on 01909 534501.

New developments guidance

This guidance document is intended to aid planners and developers in providing correct waste storage and collection arrangements for residential and commercial premises.

Last Updated on Wednesday, February 19, 2025