Bin collection days

What day is my bin collected?

How to use our map

Option 1: Search your address in the search bar and click the dot or on your property. 

Option 2: Zoom in to your desired area and click on your property. 

Your collection day will show in the 'Info' tab.

Please note your bin is collected on a fortnightly rotation.

Access the map full screen.


The Council currently collects approximately 41,663.95 tonnes of domestic waste each year from approximately 53,381 households within the District. We employ a team of workers and vehicles to collect this waste. Please ensure that your wheeled bin is put out for collection by 06.00am on the morning of collection, and contains all your refuse within the wheeled bin with the lid in the closed position.

The team normally works on Bank Holidays and your bin should be put out for collection as normal, the only exception being during the Christmas and New Year period where a separate collection programme is in operation. This program will be published on our website and social media each year. 

Currently 53,381 households have been provided with a blue wheeled bin for the collection of recyclable materials to reduce the amount of waste we don't recycle. Known as our 'Twin Bin' scheme, one bin is collected each week on an alternating basis and by providing almost every household with a blue wheeled bin, this has enabled us to reach a recycling rate of around 28% during 2020/2021.

To further assist our residents to recycle we also provide in excess of 50 recycling "recycling points " throughout the District where other recyclable materials such as glass, Tetra Paks and textiles, which we do not collect in the 'Blue' bin can be taken.

The refuse service affects all our residents, many of whom believe this is the main service they pay their Council Tax for.

In reality, however, the service only costs each householder about 70 pence per week.

The responsibility for the disposal of household waste is with Nottinghamshire County Council who work in close consultation with ourselves to provide suitable disposal arrangements for the materials we collect.

Last Updated on Friday, January 3, 2025