Universal credit - How to Claim

How to claim

Claims for Universal Credit should be made online.

If you haven't got your own PC, then try to use a computer belonging to a friend or member of your family.

If this isn't possible, you can use a computer free of charge at our Customer Service Centre.

Before making a claim, you need to gather the following information and have it ready:

  • your postcode
  • your National Insurance number
  • details of the bank, building society or Post Office account you want Universal Credit paid into
  • your rent agreement (if you have one)
  • details of your savings or other capital
  • details of any income that’s not from work (e.g. from an insurance plan)
  • details of any other benefits you’re getting

You might also need these details for people who live in your home (e.g. your partner).

Two child limit on new claims

If you have three or more children you won't be able to make a new Universal Credit claim, unless you are making a re-claim because you were getting Universal Credit within the last 6 months*.

If you have three or more children and can’t apply for Universal Credit, you may be able to make a new claim for Child Tax CreditHousing Benefit, and other benefits.

* You can also make a new Universal Credit claim as a single person within one month of a previous joint claim ending, because you are no longer a member of a couple.

Find out more about the two child limit on Gov.uk.

Existing benefit claimants

If you're already claiming any benefits you don't need to do anything. You'll be told when Universal Credit will affect you.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024