Landlords Information - Private Sector Landlords

Help and Information for Private Sector Landlords 

The Council is focused on and committed to preventing people from becoming homeless, however to do this more effectively with tenants in the private rented sector, we need to work more closely and in partnership with landlords to remove any barriers that exist.


Problems with your tenants?

Do you have tenants who are:

  • Behaving in an anti-social manner
  • Not paying their rent
  • Not keeping their property or garden in good order
  • Experiencing family or relationship problems
  • AND Are you thinking of taking action to gain repossession of their property? 


Before you do - contact the Housing Needs Team

The Council has a legal duty to provide advice, assistance and support to individuals and families who are experiencing problems relating to their housing situation, however we would like to offer the same service to Landlords.

The Council is focussed on and committed to preventing people from becoming homeless, however to do this more effectively with tenants in the private rented sector, we need to work more closely and in partnership with landlords to remove any barriers that exist.

The earlier the Council can intervene in situations where people are likely to lose their home, the better chance there is of preventing this from happening.

The Housing Needs Team has a Landlord Liaison Scheme in place and will work closely with yourself and your tenant(s) to identify what problems there are. We can then use the homeless prevention measures available to take quick, effective action to address these and work with you to keep the tenant(s) in their home.


The Landlord Liaison Scheme

The Scheme offers a wide range of options including: 

  • Referrals to the Support  Providers for Tenancy Support packages
  • Provision of general housing, tenancy and legal advice
  • Homeless Prevention Fund
  • Arranging for local housing allowance applications to be fast tracked where appropriate
  • Arranging for local housing allowance payments to be paid direct to landlord in exceptional circumstances
  • Providing mediation
  • Signposting to other key agencies who offer professional services such as Women’s Aid, CAB or Social Care
  • Regular tenancy visits
  • Assisting tenants to make applications for payments from the Discretionary Housing Fund

If you do have a tenant who is struggling to maintain their tenancy, and would like to work in partnership with the Council to prevent and reduce homelessness and create settled safe communities for people to live in, please contact the Council’s Housing Needs Team without delay.



Bassetlaw District Council's Housing Team

Telephone: 01909 533 455 / 533 401 /

533 402 / 533 712 (Monday-Friday, 8:40am - 5:00pm)

Fax: 01909 535 122





Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024