Important changes to housing benefit

The Government is making further changes to the benefits system which could affect your entitlement to claim Housing Benefit

Universal credit  was introduced in the Bassetlaw area from December 2017 for certain types of working age households. At some point between the end of 2020 and 2023  working age households will no longer be able to claim Housing Benefit, Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, Tax Credits or Employments Support Allowance. These will all be replaced by one Universal Credit, monthly payment and the Council will no longer be able to accept a claim for help with rent, but you can still claim Council Tax Reduction from the Council. 

From 16 January 2019, those who are entitled to a Severe Disability Premium on their Housing Benefit or other DWP benefit will be able to claim Housing Benefit and will not be required to claim Universal Credit until the Government can protect this premium.

1 February 2019, families with more than two children can also claim Universal Credit.

Find out if you are eligible to claim Universal Credit.

When will this affect me?

If you are making a new claim to Housing Benefit or have a relevant change of circumstances, the changes will affect you from the date of your new or revised entitlement. Universal Credit is claimed online.

What do I need to make a claim?

  • Email address
  • Mobile Phone
  • Identity Check – through Verify
  • Tenancy agreement – Do you have an up to date one?
  • A Bank Account in your name

Where to go for more information

If you need help with making an online claim for either Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, or do not have access to the internet, you can get assistance from the Citizens Advice or the council’s Money Advice Team if you have arrears or other debt worries and need further advice.

You can also claim Universal Credit or get advice about it by phoning the DWP Universal Credit helpline  0800 328 5644.

You can use an independent, free and anonymous benefits calculator to check what you could be entitled to.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024