If you are having difficulty paying your council tax

CTR Hardship Fund

As well as the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) Scheme, the Council has also made provision to help those who are experiencing exceptional hardship,  exceptional circumstances or who are recent care leavers. You must claim CTR first.

A cash-limited Discretionary Fund has also been set up as part of the scheme. Awards are temporary to help ease the burden of temporary setbacks or life changes.

The Government has also asked Local Authorities to deduct a further £25 off council tax bills for 2023/24 if you were eligible for CTR on 1st April 2023. If you think you should qualify for this and it is not showing on your bill, please get in touch with the Benefits Department. 

If you have a bill for Council Tax and you cannot pay all of it due to exceptional financial circumstances, please visit our Apply for Council Tax Hardship Payment, we advise that you read the guidance notes below first before applying or call in at one of our One Stop Shops in Queens Buildings, Worksop or 17b The Square, Retford and an advisor can help you. We have money advisors based in the Benefits service who can help you with budgeting, debts or arrears advice. They can be contacted on 01909 533744.

Care Leavers

If you are a care leaver, a separate discount scheme is available to award a full discount up to the age of 25 years. You will need to contact the Council Tax department for this as you will need to be nominated to the scheme by Nottinghamshire County Council Adult Care Service. You should claim any statutory benefits or discounts that you are eligible for first. 

Pay over 12 instalments instead of 10

You can ask your Council Tax department to collect your Council Tax by direct debit over 12 monthly instalments which can reduce your monthly outgoings. To do this either email customer.services@bassetlaw.gov.uk or contact the Council Tax team directly on 01909 533 234. 

Guidance Notes for claiming a Discretionary Hardship discount

Please read the guidance carefully before filling in the form. You can use this form to claim a hardship payment if you are unable to meet some or all of the Council Tax due to recent changes. 

Section A - This section is important. It tells us your weekly or monthly income and outgoings. If you tick weekly, please ensure that all the figures are weekly or converted to weekly, if your figures are monthly please convert all figures on the sheet to monthly. 

Section B - This section gives us more information about your circumstances. You should explain here, giving as much detail as possible, why you need extra help paying your Council Tax. In this section please tell us if you or any member of your family have any health issues. 

Section C - Please read the declaration carefully and sign and date it at the bottom of the back page. It is an offence to provide false information or documents to obtain public funds, which could result in prosecution.

For each entry of income and outgoing you will need to provide documentary proof of the amounts you receive or pay out. You may already have some of this on your own benefit claim, but please check with an advisor if you are not sure what to provide.

Examples of documentary proof could be:

  • Utility bills
  • Insurance documents
  • Bank statements
  • Debt recovery letters
  • Dept. for Work & Pension letters
  • Rent arrears / Council Tax or other debts
  • Food / Store receipts
  • Motor renewal documents - e.g. Tax renewal notice 
  • Credit card / store card statements
  • Catalogue / HP statements 
  • Letters from GP / Hospital 

Please do not delay sending back the form if you cannot provide proof straight away. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024