Heroes welcome - In Bassetlaw

Bassetlaw District Council is supporting ‘Heroes Welcome’, an initiative that is encouraging a public show of support for current and former Armed Forces personnel and their families.

It was created by John Senior in his home town of Scarborough in 2008 after he read a spate of news articles that showed a disconnection between the armed forces and the rest of Britain.

So John placed a hand drawn poster in the window of one of his restaurants to show his support and offer a ‘Heroes Welcome’. From that poster, support has now grown across the country with almost 50 towns and cities and London Black Cabs supporting the scheme.

Bassetlaw is the first district in North Nottinghamshire to support the scheme and is encouraging local businesses to also sign up.

Whilst Heroes Welcome is not a charity or a discount scheme, it does provide a free and simple method for businesses, be it a service provider, café, pub, shop, restaurant, hotel, or taxi, to show a little special appreciation to those serving in the Armed Forces and to do it in a way that is effective and appropriate.

To be part of it, you can display a Heroes Welcome sticker and agree to give a special warm welcome to members of the Armed Forces. You may also wish to offer a small discount or service upgrade, but that is up to you.

By way of proof, all Service Personnel carry a clearly marked Military ID Card.




Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024