Bassetlaw District Council is considering the renewal of the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) to help tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Retford and Worksop Town Centres.
A PSPO is made under powers vested in the local authority by Section 59, of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014.
Bassetlaw District Council is proposing that the PSPOs for both Retford and Worksop Town Centres remain in force, for a further 3 years, with the same terms.
To do this Bassetlaw District Council must be satisfied that the activity or activities it proposes to restrict, in this area:
• Have had, or are likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality;
• Is, or is likely to be, persistent or continuing in nature;
• Is, or is likely to be, unreasonable; and
• Justifies the restrictions imposed.
Bassetlaw District Council are satisfied that based on the evidence of breaches of the current Order, complaints that have been received and the action taken under the current PSPO for this area the above criteria are satisfied.
The Council is asking people for their views on the proposals to renew the Public Spaces Protection Orders for Retford and Worksop Town Centres. The consultation will run from Monday 17th March 2025 until Monday 28th April 2025.
Retford Town Centre PSPO
Draft Retford PSPO and map of the area
Have your say by completing the Retford PSPO Survey
Worksop Town Centre PSPO
Draft Worksop PSPO and map of the area
Have your say by completing the Worksop PSPO Survey
Paper copies of the maps and surveys are available from the Council Offices in Retford and Worksop.
Why your views matter
When the consultation process is concluded all responses will be collated and used to help inform the Council's decision whether the existing PSPOs for Retford and Worksop Town Centres will be renewed for another three years.
Last Updated on Monday, March 17, 2025